Hendi center Koloseum from the 2th to the 4th June at the Youth Center for the fifth time is organizing BOSIFEST - Belgrade International Film Festival of People with Disabilities. The festival will be held under the slogan "The power of visual communication." As part of competitive and non-competitive part the audience will be able to see the movies which are about life of persons with disabilities or the filmmakers are persons with disabilities. This year for the contest has arrived a record number of films, more than 100 films from all over the world. Selector of this year BOSIFEST - is a young filmmaker Jelena Gavrilović, who has won national and international awards, including the Award from the Kustendorf festival. In the jury of this year BOSIFEST are Miloš Paramentić, longtime Director of FEST, Sandra Perović, RTS journalist and actress Lena Bogdanović. They will award prizes for the best screenplay, the best director and GRAND PRIX BOSIFEST in 2014.
We like to point out that BOSIFEST is not a festival for people with disabilities, but is the festival from persons with disabilities for all fans of the film, which all visitors organized special moments. Through films that are shown on BOSIFEST , the audience has the opportunity to meet with different cultures, customs, social conditions and various life stories.
The festival provides a valuable contribution to the inclusion of persons with disabilities into creative reality of our society because of art and other resources which they possess. Besides of the artistic contents production of the BOSIFEST wants through the exchange of information to encourage on the adoption and implementation of the best practice of international community institutions in overcoming social inclusion, highlight the possible guidelines and instruments to encourage the further development of democratic society and every individual with respect for diversity through individual rights .
Festival promotes the City of Belgrade and Serbia through the richness of diversity and is committed to encouraging our cultural and professional public to learn about the accomplishments of artists with disabilities from around the world, as well as to create conditions for the exchange of opinions and experiences of film artists.
BOSIFEST is the only film festival of its kind in South East Europe. This year for the first time BOISFEST has thanks to the cooperation with NGO "New Chance in New" appeared in Montenegro in Herceg Novi, and is planned to be continued in cooperation with famous Montenegrin film festival in Herceg Novi.
Director of BOSIFEST,
Darko Ivić